Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 5 (where has this term gone?)

My apologies for not having this up last night.  I had class till 7 pm and got home and crashed.  Ever have those days?  In addition, I"m having problems with my left eye and because of the swelling, my vision is distorted.  Just think, and I'm driving on the same roads as you are . . .yikes!  And trying to read everything on a computer!

Anyhow, it gets worse as I get tired.  Going to the opthomologist (SP?) tomorrow and hopefully "get fixed".

I am sending you all information and a bibliography about YAL picture books, as promised.  Please include some YA picture books in your text set.  How are you all coming on this?  I don't believe that I've received all of your topics yet.  Please email those to me.

I'l also going to put your into books groups for the rest of the term so you can respond to a smaller group about your YAL readings.  Now you all can read whatever group you want but you at least need to read those of your group and respond to each other in your blogs.

Group Y - Kristina Alverez, Kim Daniels,Lauren Hall, Sarah Lehman, Rebecca Kuluris

Group A - Autumn Appletoft, Kristen Goulding, Jamie Hill, Laurie Major, Amanda Wheeler

Group L - Courtney Brown, Katie Guile, Marci Kempf, RJ Rich

Did I miss anyone?  I sure hope not!

So this week, find some YAL picture books and talk through your blogs to your book group.  That's you only assignment, oh except working on your text set and reading Ch. 5, it's a big one!
Happy reading!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 4 April 21-27

Hi all,
It's getting harder to find time at the computer with the sun out and the weather getting warmer.  HAng in there with me, OK?

A few notes:
•  Although I read most of your posts, I won't always respond to each of them.  Just as in your lives, "life happens".  I hope that you will afford me the same leeway that I give you in getting things done right on time.  For example, today, this post is late.  Too many things happening at the beginning of this week.  But I'll get them done eventually.

•  Please, please, please put you name on assignments that you send through email.  I had to go back through them all this last week and identify them.  Thanks!

•  I also hope that you will read the teaching ideas at the end of each chapter.  These are great incentives to do assignments differently.  Remember, variety is the spice of life!!!

•  Just a reminder to not forget your final project, explained in the syllabus. Please email me your topic of focus for the text set as soon as possible.  This should be something that you will use in your classroom next year.  This is a way to enhance something you already have to teach, so you'll get a head start.

Assignment for Week 4:
1.  I believe that you are to read Ch. 4 - Realistic Fiction.  This is one of my favorite genres.  I'd be interested to know how many of the best YAL of all time books you have already read (p. 103).  Would you agree with their list?   Adolescents are struggling with the issues brought up in realistic fiction: perfection in an imperfect world, sexuality, making and maintaining friends, adolescent cruelty, family problems, and mid, body , and spirit.  Remember those days?Why not try some of the reader response questions (p.150) with your students this week?

2.  I would also like you to find a picture book for YA's and talk on your post as to why you chose this particular book.  We'll get into this more next week, which is the middle of the term already.

Have a great week . . . happy reading!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week 3 assignments April 14-20

Hi, I'm back from my out-of-state trip and am so far behind it's scary.  Had to teach or go to meetings most of yesterday and then had a rehearsal in the evening.  Out in the schools this am to observe a graduate practicum student.  Now to Ed 591.

A few housekeeping notes:
You all need to become follower of each person in the class and respond to their posts.  I notice that some only have a few followers on their blog.  This is how we become a community. 

I'm not sure that all of you have finished the movie assignment.  I know that I confused some of you by saying that the movie was for this week.  Please post that so we can keep up-to-date.  It's hard to go back and catch up on all of you.

1.  This week you have the reading assignment from the syllabus, Chapter 3 - Trends, Issues and Censorship.  Please let us all know if you have dealt with a censorship issue in your district.  How was it dealt with, what book, how was it resolved.  I did post on one of the first days about an incident in the Salem-Keizer district.  Be sure to read the article.

I also want you to design a survey to give to your students.  Find out their favorite magazines, books, video games, movie, TV programs, etc.  Please give your survey to at least 20-40 middle or high school students.  Tally your findings.  Email me a copy of your survey but  talk about your tops five hits from each category on your post for April 27th. Then talk about some of these questions as more: Did you find out anything that surprised you?  Shocked you?  How well do you know your students?  

2.  Read a challenged book and talk about it on your blog.

Happy Reading!  Spring is here!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 2 Assignments

Hi again.  

After I write this I'll be sending the syllabus by email.  If you don't receive it, please let me know.  The syllabus will give you a general overview of the course.  The weekly assignments will be more specific.  So . . . you're going to have fun this week, by not only reading the specified chapter but also by "going to the movies" .  Yes, that's correct.  Here's how it works

Either through Netflix, video store or movie theatre, watch a film that would appeal to the adolescent audience.  Make a night of it with soda or beer, popcorn or gooey candy, get comfy and enjoy.  Then, on your blog post a reflection as to 1. why you think this would appeal to adolescents and 2.your take on the movie.  I hope we can find out more about how the adolescent mind works through this assignment.  Be sure to include your name and the name of the movie you watched so we can all comment to each other.

Have fun!!

ps: be careful of spring fever, the weather is getting nicer.

pps:  oh, and I forgot to let you know that I'll not be online from today until Sunday as I'll be our of town.  If you get stuck on your posts, holler at Denvy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week 2 (already)

I believe that I have responded to all of you on a post.  If not, please let me know.  Do you all have your texts?  There is a reading assignment and a blog about your literacy memories as a child.  Oh, and a few questions to mull over, then respond to through your blog.  Be sure you get to know each other through your blogs.  We all need to be followers of each other.

I haven't heard yet from Rebecca or Kristen (no blogs on Dauer's Dialogue), I still don't know who bridezilla is, and I don't see anything on Sarah's blog.  I have a Laurie enrolled as (last name) Major.  Is that any of you?  

More business.  I am going to send the syllabus through email to you all.  It's much too cumbersome to put on the blog.  All for now . . more to come.