My apologies for not having this up last night. I had class till 7 pm and got home and crashed. Ever have those days? In addition, I"m having problems with my left eye and because of the swelling, my vision is distorted. Just think, and I'm driving on the same roads as you are . . .yikes! And trying to read everything on a computer!
Anyhow, it gets worse as I get tired. Going to the opthomologist (SP?) tomorrow and hopefully "get fixed".
I am sending you all information and a bibliography about YAL picture books, as promised. Please include some YA picture books in your text set. How are you all coming on this? I don't believe that I've received all of your topics yet. Please email those to me.
I'l also going to put your into books groups for the rest of the term so you can respond to a smaller group about your YAL readings. Now you all can read whatever group you want but you at least need to read those of your group and respond to each other in your blogs.
Group Y - Kristina Alverez, Kim Daniels,Lauren Hall, Sarah Lehman, Rebecca Kuluris
Group A - Autumn Appletoft, Kristen Goulding, Jamie Hill, Laurie Major, Amanda Wheeler
Group L - Courtney Brown, Katie Guile, Marci Kempf, RJ Rich
Did I miss anyone? I sure hope not!
So this week, find some YAL picture books and talk through your blogs to your book group. That's you only assignment, oh except working on your text set and reading Ch. 5, it's a big one!
Happy reading!
Wearables and More
9 years ago