Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 4 April 21-27

Hi all,
It's getting harder to find time at the computer with the sun out and the weather getting warmer.  HAng in there with me, OK?

A few notes:
•  Although I read most of your posts, I won't always respond to each of them.  Just as in your lives, "life happens".  I hope that you will afford me the same leeway that I give you in getting things done right on time.  For example, today, this post is late.  Too many things happening at the beginning of this week.  But I'll get them done eventually.

•  Please, please, please put you name on assignments that you send through email.  I had to go back through them all this last week and identify them.  Thanks!

•  I also hope that you will read the teaching ideas at the end of each chapter.  These are great incentives to do assignments differently.  Remember, variety is the spice of life!!!

•  Just a reminder to not forget your final project, explained in the syllabus. Please email me your topic of focus for the text set as soon as possible.  This should be something that you will use in your classroom next year.  This is a way to enhance something you already have to teach, so you'll get a head start.

Assignment for Week 4:
1.  I believe that you are to read Ch. 4 - Realistic Fiction.  This is one of my favorite genres.  I'd be interested to know how many of the best YAL of all time books you have already read (p. 103).  Would you agree with their list?   Adolescents are struggling with the issues brought up in realistic fiction: perfection in an imperfect world, sexuality, making and maintaining friends, adolescent cruelty, family problems, and mid, body , and spirit.  Remember those days?Why not try some of the reader response questions (p.150) with your students this week?

2.  I would also like you to find a picture book for YA's and talk on your post as to why you chose this particular book.  We'll get into this more next week, which is the middle of the term already.

Have a great week . . . happy reading!

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